Surgical Excision
Rid Them Unwanted Bumps
Surgical Excision
Rid Them Unwanted Bumps
A surgical excision is usually done to remove a lump, bump, or other suspicious growths using a scalpel under local anesthesia. The excised specimen can be sent to a laboratory as a whole for analysis if warranted.
Treated Area
Face, Body
30 minutes (including preparation time)
One off
7-10 days
What is it for?
Removal of growths, such as moles, skin tags, sebaceous cysts, lipoma, or any skin lesions.
- Some swelling and pain post procedure which may warrant oral medications to be prescribed
- Follow up 7-12 days later for review of histopathology report, and removal of sutures
- Proper post procedure wound care to be done at home
What can I expect?
- There will be noticeable needle marks and presence of bruising which usually requires a few days to resolve.
- The number of sessions required vary according to individuals.
- A total of 3-6 sessions may be required for optimum results.
- May require combination therapy with lasers or skin boosters.